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Silicon Valley Eye Physicians
Dry Eye Solutions
Myopia Solutions

LipiFlow: Dry Eye Treatment

LipiFlow Treatment For Dry Eyes ThumbnailLipiFlow, by Johnson & Johnson Vision, is a Thermal Pulsation System that improves the function of meibomian glands. FDA-approved, safe and totally drug-free, it consists of a console and a single-use sterile Activator tool. Through gentle massage and heat, LipiFlow can enhance the quality of meibomian gland secretions. Eye doctors around the world are equipping their eye care clinics with this breakthrough technology to treat dry eye.

How does LipiFlow work?

Your eye doctor will begin by inserting numbing eye drops to ensure patient comfort. LipiFlow’s contoured eyepiece will then be placed gently over your cornea, vaulting over your eye’s surface in order to protect the delicate ocular structure. LipiFlow applies therapeutic heat and peristaltic energy pressure, with numerous sensors that regulate the temperature and pressure pulses. The combination of massage and heat works to expel any meibomian gland obstructions. The entire in-office procedure takes about 12 minutes.

Call Silicon Valley Eye Physicians on 408-739-6200 to schedule an eye exam with our Sunnyvale optometrist. Alternatively, book an appointment online here CLICK FOR AN APPOINTMENT